Diabetes: Not The End Of Joy
I didn’t know my father was going through a struggle to control his sweet cravings. I had seen some dip in his fitness levels over years owing to his obesity. I wondered whether he is the same man who could jogg 4 kms at a stretch.
As a family we were in shock and overwhelmed when my dad was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in his late 40s. For me as a teenager the number 200 fasting blood sugar was huge and I could interpret it when our family doctors expressions changed when he had a look at his test reports.
I was completely unaware about the condition and I think my father took it lightly as well since his food habits did not change and despite of medicines prescribed there were no significant changes in his blood sugar levels.
Here are his sugar readings after 1 month of diagnosis

I could clearly see that his regular visits to the doctor and prescribed medications were not helping to control blood sugar. I googled to check the side effects of uncontrolled sugar levels and was horrified to find it can cause nerve damage,kidney problems,heart disease etc.
I had to take matters in my own hand hence I googled all the good homecare services available at Delhi NCR.
I came across many homecare service providers in Delhi NCR but most of them didn’t generate confidence in me looking at their website, patient reviews etc then I stumbled upon Oakdime. I had a look at their website and was mighty impressed when i had a chat with their executive who understood our situation and convinced me to avail their services which also included free doctor homevisit. I received a picture of the healthcare executive on my watts app along with the time of his arrival next day.

Oakdime healthcare executive was punctual next day arrived sharp at 8 AM. His name was Somen was well groomed,had a chat with the family about the patients condition. I was very happy with the professionalism of the Oakdime homecare executive since he was regularly recording blood pressure,fasting and post prandial (2 hrs after food) blood sugar levels and pulse rate.
Free doctor visit also was great with Dr Prateek who developed personalised diabetes management plan which included dietary changes, exercise advice.Oakdime doctor also helped my father to understand the importance of medication adherence and also helped in my Dad’s medication schedule.
Here are my father’s blood sugar levels from April 10 to April 30

The family was delighted to see that my dad’s health started to improve within a few weeks of starting with Oakdime home healthcare service. He was feeling more energetic and noticed that he was also losing some weight. This was particularly helpful for me and the family as we felt we had a partner in managing dad’s diabetes and this gave us a sense of relief!
Home healthcare can be a game changer for people with diabetes and their families. The personalized care and support from Oakdime does improve health outcomes and provides emotional support to patients and their families.
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